Sunday, 12 February 2017


State : political unit with supreme authority over a territory and its inhabitants 
Boundaries : limits betweena country and other 
Citizens : inhabitants with the right to vote 
nation : group of people with a common identity
taxes : money you need to pay to the state for public services and infrastuctures 
politics : refers to all activites related to the organisation and government of human societies
autocracy : is a government wich one person has all the power
monarchy : a type of government where  a king or queen holds the power
dictatorship : form of government where one leader has absolute control ver citizens 
democracy : citizens hold the political power 
oligarchy :form of government where a small group of people has all the power 
theocracy :form of government that recognizes god or a divine being as the utimate authority 
anarchy :form of government where there are no governments 


Luggage : all the suitcases 
Sales : period of time when the things are cheaper 
To be keen on : love somehing 
Homophones : words that sound the same but are spelled different 
Bargain : very big sale 
save up : save money 
discount : reduce the price of somethig 
afford : can pay something 
sole : the part of the shoe that is in contact with the ground
Pocket money :savings 
Brand : name of the company that makes a product


Raised: look after
Priest: churchman
Friars: member of one of the mendicant orders founded since the twelfth or thirteenth century